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When the school president Haruki Koutake recovers them, the day turns dangerous. They're skipping school again to play video games. It seems like an ordinary day for Kazuki Naruse and his friend Yuki Shirakawa. This is a mediocre start to the series, but I suppose it does the cliffhanger right. They are more than capable of defending themselves right up until the last handful of pages when the level's boss turns up. While the story tries to show the thankfully small cast in a desperate situation with impossible odds, it's anything but that. I guess some questions remain unanswered. Boy, it sure is easy! I wonder what you become when you register an enviable high score in one of those anime games where you have to target schoolgirls' underwear. It's the same for farming simulators - instant green thumb. I expect that military strategy games turn you into a veritable leader of men. Shooting zombies in video games makes you into a martial artist and survivor in real life. Sebagai tambahan Supercell Offical Website.This manga, like many others, answers the age-old question - can players who earn high scores in video games carry over that experience into real life? Yes, they can. Di situ lebih lengkap dengan history-nya dengan bahasa Inggris. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan lihat di Supercell Wikipedia. Lagu-lagu yang mereka produksi itu contohnya : Hei8ro (Heihachiro) (support in illustration and photography).Group ini terdiri dari 11 anggota, yang dipimpin oleh Ryo dan 10 anggota lainnya yang mengurus desain, ilustrasi, dan lain-lain. Supercell biasanya menggunakan Hatsune Miku. Supercell adalah sebuah doujin music group yang sudah memproduksi beberapa lagu hit dan related art-nya. You are all my pleasure, my hope and my song Now let my happiness sing inside my dream. Ruby tears have come to me, for your last words Everything was sweet by your side, my love

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